Dirigo Reads
For details on “Read a New Book Month” with Governor’s Restaurants on Saturday, Dec. 14, click here!
Together, we can put a book in the hands of every Maine public school first grader each month during the school year by 2025.
Maine’s Literacy Story

About Us
We believe that every child should have the opportunity for a successful future. Studies have shown that strong literacy skills have a direct correlation to a person’s self-worth, health, and the ability to achieve a fulfilling career.
By providing children access to one new book a month during the school year, we open doors to a brighter future.
And that’s our goal. Opening doors to a brighter future by providing a new book to every public school first grader in Maine, for every month of the school year, by 2025.
The most successful way to improve the reading achievement of low-income children is to increase their access to print.
Newman, Sanford, et all. American’s Child Care Crisis: A Crime Prevention Tragedy; Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, 2000.
Dirigo Star Founding Partner

Honor Roll

State Scholar

Early Reader